
Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Mistakes...

They say what ever malign/ benign you do on this earth, it gets settled here only... You don't have to wait for the life to get over to see whether you will get hell or heaven. I very much accord this..
After all I am a human being , I too did mistakes in my life, but rather than repenting I just made sure that where ever I had made those mistakes , I  somehow got it equilibrate with benevolence. 
I had been given enough punishments by YOU and trust me Omniscient I had happily accepted those rather than cursing YOU. But don't You feel that Your cycle of wrath over me is never ending.. Many things happened, I just knelled down in front of You with misty eyes, with a hope that it would get over one day...
Every morning I just open my eyes and just pray atleast not today , but year by year You rather than removing those things has brought more and more pains to me... I am totally tapped out of all sort of energies to bear those, I just call it QUIT... If You really want to punish me why don't YOU just take the hardest step and finish it over.. I just can;t handle these silent pains. 

Yours Truly,

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